miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008

Red paint all over my ass


No sé absolutamente nada del parcial de hoy. Me cago en la Mecánica Cuántica Relativista.



Caroline: Now, you can look at this picture for 60 seconds and I want you to tell me everything that's wrong with it. Okay? (holds up picture)
Malcolm: The man only has four fingers.
Caroline: Right, but this time I want you to really take your time and look at...
Malcolm: The car's shadow's going the wrong way, the steering wheel's on the wrong side, there's no brake pedal, the words in the mirror should be backwards, the man's watch wouldn't say twelve o'clock if he was looking at a sun set, and I have red paint on my ass. That's right, I have red paint all over my ass!

Malcolm in the Middle, Pilot

1 comentario:

Dardo dijo...

Jajajaja, Jennifer se bajó las dos primeras temporadas de Malcolm el otro día y ayer las grabó. Y justo cuando la fui a pelear a su pieza estaba viendo ese capítulo, esa escena.

Y después me dicen que la casualidad no existe...